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Funeral & Cemetery Presentation Keynote Speaker Kit

Do you need a local Funeral Speaker?

Robin has made numerous presentations in Victoria to different social groups, churches, schools and retirement facilities. He has also participated on many Estate Planning Panels, consisting of lawyers, accountants, trust officers and financial planners. His presentations provide an informative look at the serious subject of death and funerals. Robin believes in both the Funeral Profession and the Benefits of Advance Funeral Planning. Among the topics offered are:

  • Funeral Planning 101 - A complete overview of the funeral planning process
  • Government Death Benefits
  • Creating Meaningful Services
  • Cremation Explained
  • How Funerals Are Priced
  • When Burial is Elsewhere / For Seniors on the Move
  • Straight Talk about Funerals & Death (Dispelling the Myths)
  • "No Service By Request"
  • Funeral Directing - A Career
These presentations can be made during the day, evening or weekend and be tailored to the individual group, large or small. They can also be combined with clergy or other estate planning professionals in a joint effort. Robin also provides printed resources for various non-profit organizations.
There is no cost or obligation for this service.

"Robin's presentation to our group was excellent, he makes it easy for people to discuss this usually unspoken topic and you come away with being more informed and accomplishing something."
- Mrs. M. Allan

Heppell Funeral Planning - Seminar Brochure.pdf